From us to you! We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year 2025.
Kim, Mary, Catherine, Pete and Margaret - Friends of Riverside x
Kim, Mary, Catherine, Pete and Margaret - Friends of Riverside x
RIVERSIDE UPDATE - Re-Opening 27th November 2024
The small amount of flooding we had as a result of Storm Bert, has all been mopped up, floors being cleaned tomorrow (Tuesday). We expect to be fully open again on Wednesday 27th November 2024.
RIVERSIDE UPDATE 25th November 2024
25th Nov 2024 Storm Bert - Like all around us, we too have been flooded, but this is minimal compared to others, just a few centimetres on some of the floors. So, Riverside will be closed today, whilst we mop up. Not sure about tomorrow yet, depending on how long it takes to dry.
RIVERSIDE UPDATE 27th October 2024
Malmesbury Town Council recently published a 'Vote of No Confidence' in Wiltshire Council, which has also been reported in the local press - see here. This included an item about Wiltshire Council considering terminating the lease on the Riverside building in Jan 2026. We understand that there are ongoing talks between both Councils and trust the matter will soon be resolved. We have confidence that Riverside Community Centre will be continuing on for the foreseeable future and this should not affect your hire of room space with us. Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any queries.
Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Please see our new Autumn 2024 Calendar of activities - even more is happening at Riverside! Lots of Baby, toddler and childrens activities as well as different exercise and movement groups for adults, for instance Tai Chi, Gold Seated Zumba, Activefit, Yoga and Linedancing. Riverside is also where local baby health checks happen, Wiltshire Mind meet and you can visit the Malmesbury Community Wardrobe here. Interests and hobbies are catered for, everything from textile work to learning italian! Meet others at the Probus Club or for older individuals at the monthly Saturday Friends or new Monday Friends group. After school tutoring takes place here three times a week during term time too. If you would like to have a child's birthday party at Riverside, then please get in contact with us. So much to enjoy!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
As usual we are supporting Carnival again this year! Come in for a sit down, free tea, coffee or juice. You can get changed here too. Most importantly our toilets are available, including a disabled toilet, which also has baby changing facilities. We're really looking forward to the procession, which just seems to get better every time!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Graham Coates a TRUSTEE of Friends of Riverside, who joined us in December 2022 has resigned. He receives our heartfelt thanks for all of his voluntary hard work at the Centre, with the Riverside Garden and with Saturday Friends.
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
HIRE CHARGES FROM 1st January 2024
Riverside Community Centre is run by the Friends of Riverside, a charitable group of volunteers, in partnership with Wiltshire Council who allow us use of the building. Our aim has always been to provide an affordable venue for our community. In fact, we have not increased our room hire charges since 2017!
However, this last year in particular, energy and other bills for Riverside have risen steeply and so very reluctantly, we are having to raise our hire charges to go towards covering these increased costs. Our new charges will be an additional £1 per hour for all rooms and will apply from the 1st January 2024 onwards. Please see hire charges below per room.
Even with this small increase, we consider Riverside to be great value and affordable for the many activity providers, groups, organisations and individuals who hire space and we look forward to welcoming more hirers in the 2024.
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody and Graham Coates. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
However, this last year in particular, energy and other bills for Riverside have risen steeply and so very reluctantly, we are having to raise our hire charges to go towards covering these increased costs. Our new charges will be an additional £1 per hour for all rooms and will apply from the 1st January 2024 onwards. Please see hire charges below per room.
Even with this small increase, we consider Riverside to be great value and affordable for the many activity providers, groups, organisations and individuals who hire space and we look forward to welcoming more hirers in the 2024.
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody and Graham Coates. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
So much to enjoy!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody and Graham Coates. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody and Graham Coates. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
PETTICOAT LANE 20th August 2023 - See You There!
Friends of Riverside are having a stall at Malmesbury's Petticoat Lane on Sunday 20th August 2023 organised by the great Malmesbury Carnival.
Lots of info about the groups and activities at Riverside and about booking a room. Please come and say hello!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody and Graham Coates. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
For more information about Malmesbury Carnival click here https://www.malmesburycarnival.co.uk/
Lots of info about the groups and activities at Riverside and about booking a room. Please come and say hello!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody and Graham Coates. Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
For more information about Malmesbury Carnival click here https://www.malmesburycarnival.co.uk/
RIVERSIDE UPDATE 12th February 2023
Even more happening at Riverside!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody and Graham Coates.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody and Graham Coates.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
We are delighted to welcome NEW TRUSTEE Graham Coates. Welcome to the 'Friends' Graham!
Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
RIVERSIDE UPDATE 5th November 2022
Autumn is the time when the new What's On at Riverside 'calendar' is published. Details of how to contact some of the different groups and activity providers who use the Centre are on the What's On Page.
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
After the winter, we are hopefully leaving behind a lot of the ramifications of Covid-19. We still have some precautions in place at Riverside as do many other organisations, however we have a fairly full and vibrant list of groups and activities in our timetable and we are raring to go. Currently though, we are not holding young children's parties, but we will revisit that again in the near future.Thank you for your co-operation and stay safe!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
The latest lifting of restrictions by Government starts today 19th July.
Our approach, like others, is to be cautious because we have a variety of people who use Riverside, including those who are vulnerable. So like many shops, businesses and other public establishments have announced, we too will be keeping our Covid-19 safety precautions in place for the next few weeks at least, but with some modifications.
We will review the situation after this, especially as various groups and activities have let us know they are considering restarting in September, when the new school year starts.
The main changes to what happens now are:
Thank you for your co-operation and stay safe!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Our approach, like others, is to be cautious because we have a variety of people who use Riverside, including those who are vulnerable. So like many shops, businesses and other public establishments have announced, we too will be keeping our Covid-19 safety precautions in place for the next few weeks at least, but with some modifications.
We will review the situation after this, especially as various groups and activities have let us know they are considering restarting in September, when the new school year starts.
The main changes to what happens now are:
- The Swan Room and the Upper Hall will now be available for use, provided windows and doors are fully open for ventilation.
- Numbers will be limited to:
- Swan Room – 4
- Upper Hall – 12 if mainly seated, 8 for exercise
- Main Hall – 30 if mainly seated, 12 for exercise
- We are open to discussion, should a hirer want to increase the numbers for a specific purpose, but the final decision will be with the trustees.
- The Cygnet Room will remain available for isolation purposes and the Riverside Conference Room will remain locked.
- Arrangements can be made if you require to use a number of chairs, tables or other equipment. Please contact us beforehand, otherwise for the next few weeks chairs and other equipment will remain stacked and not for general use.
- Again for the next few weeks at least, our toilets will remain unavailable for public use and we are continuing our policy that only those participating in a booked class or specific activity are to come into the building.
Thank you for your co-operation and stay safe!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
RIVERSIDE UPDATE 12th April 2021
e are re-opening for some groups where they are children's activities and one or two others.
However a reminder that sorry, but the toilets are NOT available for use by the general public and people must only come into the building to attend a class or session. We are looking forward to Step 3 on 17th May when hopefully the range of activities for users will be increased.
DIDDIDANCE - Tuesday mornings, intended start date tba May
HARTBEEPS - Friday mornings, starting April 30th
MALMESBURY DANCE - Monday afternoons/ evenings, starting April 19th
MALMESBURY TUITION - Wednesdays and Thursdays starting April 21st
TIME TO BLOSSOM - Baby Massage, intended start dates for courses tba April/ May
Thank You and best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
However a reminder that sorry, but the toilets are NOT available for use by the general public and people must only come into the building to attend a class or session. We are looking forward to Step 3 on 17th May when hopefully the range of activities for users will be increased.
DIDDIDANCE - Tuesday mornings, intended start date tba May
HARTBEEPS - Friday mornings, starting April 30th
MALMESBURY DANCE - Monday afternoons/ evenings, starting April 19th
MALMESBURY TUITION - Wednesdays and Thursdays starting April 21st
TIME TO BLOSSOM - Baby Massage, intended start dates for courses tba April/ May
Thank You and best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
We hope to be re-opening on 12th April 2021, but we are awaiting the Government's guidance as to what can happen at our community centre, with how many people and what restrictions will be in place. We will contact our regular users and also post an update as soon as we can.
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
We hope to be re-opening on 12th April 2021, but we are awaiting the Government's guidance as to what can happen at our community centre, with how many people and what restrictions will be in place. We will contact our regular users and also post an update as soon as we can.
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
We are delighted to let you know that Friends of Riverside have received an award for our work during the pandemic from the High Sheriff of Wiltshire!
We have been concentrating on keeping in touch and supporting some of our more senior residents, those who are on their own and shielding or otherwise vulnerable. Let's just say it has been a long winter lockdown for many who miss their friendships and community activity, even just the ability to go shopping.
We have also opened Riverside Community Centre, when we have been allowed to by Government. (Twice re-opened and three times closed!) We feel it is important for everyone who wants to use the Centre, to be able to do so, obviously not for everything as Government restrictions have and will be in place for a while a yet. We can’t wait until 12th April and hopefully we can re-open again, even if to restricted numbers and activities - BUT it's another step to getting back to life as usual!
Best wishes, Kim Power, Mary O'Brien, Margaret Perrin, Peter Gilchriest and Catherine Doody.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
However, we have had several enquiries as to when we will be reopening Riverside.
We are so looking forward to re-opening again (third time since the pandemic started), but are wary of confirming any dates at present until Government do the same. (Currently, estimated not to be before 12th April 2021).
We don't want to disappoint, especially as in the past the restrictions have meant that not all groups are allowed to meet. However WE ARE HOPEFUL now people are being vaccinated! So watch this space and we will let you know.
Best wishes Kim, Mary, Margaret, Peter and Catherine.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149).
However, we have had several enquiries as to when we will be reopening Riverside.
We are so looking forward to re-opening again (third time since the pandemic started), but are wary of confirming any dates at present until Government do the same. (Currently, estimated not to be before 12th April 2021).
We don't want to disappoint, especially as in the past the restrictions have meant that not all groups are allowed to meet. However WE ARE HOPEFUL now people are being vaccinated! So watch this space and we will let you know.
Best wishes Kim, Mary, Margaret, Peter and Catherine.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149).
RIVERSIDE UPDATE 5th January 2021
Sadly, we are closing Riverside Community Centre yet again as per the Government's instructions to lockdown from the 5th January 2021. If you have any queries, then please email us as we will continue to monitor our email.
Please everyone continue to keep safe and well and we hope to see you all again soon!
Best wishes Kim, Mary, Margaret, Peter and Catherine.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Please everyone continue to keep safe and well and we hope to see you all again soon!
Best wishes Kim, Mary, Margaret, Peter and Catherine.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
RIVERSIDE UPDATE 5th November 2020
Sadly, we are closing Riverside Community Centre again as per the Government's instructions for the Country to lockdown from the 5th November 2020 until 2nd December 2020, when we will re-open. If you have any queries, then please email us as we will continue to monitor our email.
Please continue to keep safe and well and we hope to see you again soon!
Best wishes Kim, Mary, Margaret, Peter and Catherine.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Please continue to keep safe and well and we hope to see you again soon!
Best wishes Kim, Mary, Margaret, Peter and Catherine.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Firstly, we hope everyone is keeping safe and well!
It's been a while since we had to temporarily close Riverside Community Centre in March, per Government advice re Covid-19, but hopefully we now have a date when we can re-open.
As Government guidelines seem to be changing frequently and with short notice, we have decided to aim for a reopening date of 1st September 2020. This is when most classes and activities usually restart after the summer holidays. Also, it gives time for appropriate safety protocols to be put in place to cover a wide variety of different activities, some of which are still currently restricted.
We are so looking forward to re-opening, but need to point out that the date of 1st September 2020 is what we are aiming for, but it is not yet confirmed. We are constantly reviewing Government guidance which may change and this could effect our re-opening date.
If you have any queries, then please email us as we will continue to monitor our email and will post when we have updates on our fb and website.
We really miss everyone at Riverside and hope to see you all again soon.
Best wishes, Kim, Mary, Margaret, Peter and Catherine.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Tel: 07 888 38 38 44 www.riversidecommunitycentre.org.uk
It's been a while since we had to temporarily close Riverside Community Centre in March, per Government advice re Covid-19, but hopefully we now have a date when we can re-open.
As Government guidelines seem to be changing frequently and with short notice, we have decided to aim for a reopening date of 1st September 2020. This is when most classes and activities usually restart after the summer holidays. Also, it gives time for appropriate safety protocols to be put in place to cover a wide variety of different activities, some of which are still currently restricted.
We are so looking forward to re-opening, but need to point out that the date of 1st September 2020 is what we are aiming for, but it is not yet confirmed. We are constantly reviewing Government guidance which may change and this could effect our re-opening date.
If you have any queries, then please email us as we will continue to monitor our email and will post when we have updates on our fb and website.
We really miss everyone at Riverside and hope to see you all again soon.
Best wishes, Kim, Mary, Margaret, Peter and Catherine.
Trustees - Friends of Riverside (a reg’d Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1169149)
Tel: 07 888 38 38 44 www.riversidecommunitycentre.org.uk
Saturday Friends Postponed from 21st March 2020
Saturday Friends is postponed from on Saturday 21st March until further notice.
The Queen's Award For Voluntary Service

FRIENDS OF RIVERSIDE of Riverside Community Centre, Malmesbury, Wiltshire are delighted that we have been awarded THE QUEEN'S AWARD FOR VOLUNTARY SERVICE (the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK), in recognition of our work for our community.
We also feel it is a tribute to those people who use Riverside and get involved, either as a volunteers, hirers or participants. Thank You! You all make our lives so much richer.
A special thank you as well to Wiltshire Council, who lease our building, which they refurbished for us through their Campus Project (Malmesbury Area Board led by Cllr, John Thomson). Thank you also to Mr. Ollie Phipps, our former Wiltshire Community Engagement Manager, who organised the refurbishment and set up. There will be an award presentation in Malmesbury in the summer - So excited! Lastly, just to say congratulations to the other volunteer groups who also won a 2019 award too. We are sure you are as thrilled as we are!
Kim Power, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody, Margaret Perrin, Mary O'Brien (new trustee), Ellen Blacker (ret'd trustee).
We also feel it is a tribute to those people who use Riverside and get involved, either as a volunteers, hirers or participants. Thank You! You all make our lives so much richer.
A special thank you as well to Wiltshire Council, who lease our building, which they refurbished for us through their Campus Project (Malmesbury Area Board led by Cllr, John Thomson). Thank you also to Mr. Ollie Phipps, our former Wiltshire Community Engagement Manager, who organised the refurbishment and set up. There will be an award presentation in Malmesbury in the summer - So excited! Lastly, just to say congratulations to the other volunteer groups who also won a 2019 award too. We are sure you are as thrilled as we are!
Kim Power, Peter Gilchriest, Catherine Doody, Margaret Perrin, Mary O'Brien (new trustee), Ellen Blacker (ret'd trustee).
Welcome to Riverside
Riverside Community Centre is located in Gloucester Rd, Malmesbury SN16 9JS. Open since February 2017, the Centre is run by Friends of Riverside in partnership with Wiltshire Council.
There are a wide range of activities and classes for people to enjoy and also rooms which are available for hire. Free WIFI and other equipment is also available at the Centre! So, have a look at our quick 2-minute tour or scroll down for our Virtual Tour of the building. We look forward to seeing you soon! |
Contact Email Form
You can contact us using this Email Contact Form if you would like to register your expression of interest to hire a room, or for more information or queries.
Alternatively, please email [email protected] or phone 07888 38 38 44
(Please note we will not disclose email details to other parties unless we have your permission or your details are already in the public domain. However, please note that our e-newsletters and associated notices are sent via Mail Chimp, a bulk email distribution service which holds your details securely in order to deliver our e-newsletters and e-notices to you).

This website is published by 'Friends of Riverside' a registered charitable incorporated organisation - Reg No. 1169149.